After a long night of funking in New Jersey, we set out in order to get to Washington D.C. early in the morning. Why, you might ask? We had an appointment to meet with our local congressman, Reid Ribble! We had contacted his office in order to share our platform with him and discuss his possible endorsement of our candidacy; needless to say, our meeting was a success! To our surprise, Congressman Ribble has some experience in the music industry, as the former owner of a Christian rock record label in Nashville for nine years (who knew)!
As you may have guessed, he was happy to meet with us and gave a full-throated endorsement of our campaign (as evidenced by this tweet)! After a few restful naps, we played a show that night at the local Treehouse Lounge. The show went very well and we were lucky enough to have a few friends from home stop by! Our time in D.C. was incredible, providing the necessary springboard for our campaign to reach the HNFL ('Hole 'Nother FUNKY Level).